Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Accountability, and how does it benefit citizens, private and public entities?

AcT is a nonprofit making organization which implements projects, provide grants and build capacity to farmers, fishermen, professionals, CBOs, NGOs, coalition and networks on various fields of organic agriculture, marine protection, resource governance, climate actions, and livelihoods.

How does AcT collaborate with other organizations to promote resource governance and environmental conservation?

AcT collaborates with other organizations to share knowledge, resources, and best practices in on resource governance, environmental conservation and organic agriculture. This helps to promote the principles of good governance and accountability in various sectors. 

How does AcT promote good governance and accountability?

AcT promotes good governance and accountability through awareness creation to citizens on their rights, roles and responsibility (3Rs), promote tax collection and citizenry budgeting, conduct surveys on Public expenditure tracking surveys (PETS), social accountability monitoring (SAM) and public service delivery assessment (PSDA).   

How does AcT reduce chemical and waste

AcT promote the adoption of organic agriculture techniques which does not apply chemicals, it support stakeholders to collect plastics and materials and turn into wealthy and collaborate with LGAs and partners to establish plans for waste management.

How does AcT improve marine protection?

AcT facilitate awareness creation to small fishermen on bad fishing practices, planting mangrove trees around the coasts, and support beach management team protect beaches and collaborate with other stakeholders to protect marine ecosystem including endangers species.

How does AcT improve livelihoods?

AcT support farmers, youth and fishing community to establish serving and lending groups to secure loan that are used to establish micro, small, and medium enterprises, also conducting trainings on skills for employment.

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